Health and Safety Policy July 2023

This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for the activities and volunteers of: Purley Sustainability Group
The PSG Committee has overall and final responsibility for health and safety
The PSG Committee has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice
Statement of general policy Responsibility of: Name/Title Action/Arrangements
Prevent accidents and cases of volunteering-related ill health (physical and mental) by managing health and safety risks
  • Volunteers will carry out relevant risk assessments for all public events and activities they organise following our health and safety briefing document, and act on them.
  • We will review risk assessments when working conditions change.
  • Any accidents or ill health will be reported promptly to the Secretary.
  • An accident book and procedure exists where accidents. Near misses are recorded and investigated to identify trends to prevent the risk of further incidents
  • Where necessary, volunteers given manual handling training
Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure volunteers are competent to do their work
  • All volunteers will receive an appropriate Health and Safety induction.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided where necessary,
Engage and consult with volunteers on day-to-day health and safety conditions
  • We will consult volunteers routinely on health and safety matters as they arise, and more formally each time we review this policy.
Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. Any volunteers      
  • We will follow the Mad Duck (Repair Café) policy and procedures for evacuation as needed.

 All volunteers should:

  • cooperate with their fellow volunteers on health and safety matters;

  • use equipment correctly in accordance with training and instructions;

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety;

  • not take on responsibilities beyond their level of capability

  • report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed above).

 This policy will be reviewed annually by the Secretary

 First Aid box and accident box are located: At the Allotment, at the Repair Café and at any public events.

 Accidents and ill health at will be reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)