Purley Sustainability Group

Wildlife around Purley

We are so lucky to live in a space of such diverse nature.

There is so much wildlife across the village, so if you have any of your own images of wildlife you have spotted, please send them to info@purleysustainability.co.uk so we can add to this gallery. Please add the location and the date.

Thank you

SparrowHawk - Belleisle - Feb 2024

Slow Worm - Allotment 2022

Hedgehogs having fun in Purley village

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - size of a sparrow - spotted Purley Village June 2024

Beech Road Aug 24

01       Heron      October 2022  Mapledurham Lock. 02       Long-tailed Tits     January 2018  Church Mews. 03       Yellowhammer           May 2019       Footpath by railway line

04       Comma    March 2020    Church Mews 05       Common Tern           April 2020      Mapledurham Lock 06       Black-Headed Gull      December 2020         Mapledurham Lock

07       Greylag Goose           December 2020         Mapledurham Lock 08       Mute Swan               December 2020         Mapledurham Lock 09       Collared Dove            January 2021  Church Mews
10       Roe Deer                  February 2021 Sulham Woods  11       Hedgehogs               July 2022       Church Mews 12       Blackbird                  April 2018      Church Mews
13       Male House Sparrow   April 2018      Church Mews 14       Red Kite                   July 2018       Pumping Station, Brading Way  15       Fox                         October 2018  Church Mews
16       Fieldfare                   December 2018         Church Mews 17       Wren                       January 2019  Church Mews 18       Sparrowhawk             June 2019      Church Mews
19       Blue Tits                  November 2019         Church Mews 20       Greenfinch                March 2020    Church Mews 21       Stock Dove               April 2020      Church Mews
22       Hare                        April 2020      Sulham Woods 23       Peacock                              July 2020       Church Mews 24       Red Admiral              July 2020       Church Mews
25       Song Thrush             February 2021 Church Mews 26       Chiffchaff                 April 2021      Church Mews 27       Blackcap                   January 2022  Church Mews
28       Dunnock                             March 2022    Church Mews 29       Siskin                       March 2022    Church Mews 30       Starlings                   March 2022    Church Mews
31       Rook                       April 2022      Church Mews 32       Great Tit                  April 2022      Church Mews 33       Redpoll                    March 2024    Church Mews
34       Redwing                             December 2021         Church Mews 35       Brindled Hoverfly       July 2020       Church Mews      Also known as the "Footballer" because the stripes go lengthways.
36       Mint Moth                 July 2020       Church Mews 37       Grasshopper              August 2021   Church Mews 38       Jay                          March 2018    Sulham woods
39       Cormorant                March 2018    Mapledurham lock