We asked our committee members and their friends for their small top tips - here are some you may want to know about….

  • Filling the kettle to what you need - great tip to save water and energy

  • Using the dustpan and brush rather than the vacuum cleaner to save energy

  • Using a bike as transport – but investing in panniers to enable easier transporting of shopping, library trips (there’s another tip too) etc.

  • With the cost of fresh meat and fish rising, together with the questions on the effect of livestock on the environment, using tinned pulses which are high in protein and fibre makes meat go further and taste delicious.  Examples include adding lentils to Bolognese, butter beans to ratatouille and chickpeas to curries.

  • Saving water by turning the tap off whilst cleaning your teeth – it is surprising that this small tip saves litres of water and if we all do that, we can make tremendous savings.

  • Home made bread and cakes is a good way to save on the plastics and packaging – and taste so good too.

  • Refill your basics - https://thelooselarder.co.uk/ Bring along your own tubs and containers and fill them with delicious goods to take back for your kitchen cupboards and top up your kitchen, utility and bathroom cleaners with our range of household cleaning liquids.

  • A Library of things is just like an ordinary library, but rather than books https://lotreading.myturn.com/library have lots of other sorts of items available to borrow.  There are a lot of tools and devices that we all own but only use rarely. This is a waste of resources, the resources used to create these things, and the waste when these are thrown out, and lastly a waste of space in storage. What if you could donate these, and still have access to them when you need them, and at the same time have access to lots of other things.

Got a top tip for sustainability? Want to share it?