Active Travel England is responsible for making walking, wheeling and cycling the preferred choice for everyone to get around. The objective is for 50% of trips in England’s towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030.

By making everyday journeys simple, easy and fun, Active Travel England is working to give people the choice to leave their car at home. This aligns to the vision of PSG and helps support the environment more effectively.

What has this got to do with Purley on Thames? Did you know that a walk from the Mad Duck to the Goosecroft Barn is just over a mile, and takes 22 mins? A cycle is even less at 6 minutes?

A walk to Tilehurst Station from the Barn is a little longer at 30 mins, but think of the financial savings in car parking and fuel as well as the environmental benefits of using the train instead of the car? There is the additional fitness benefit as well. If you can’t make it to the train, how about a walk to the Number 16 or the 143 bus?

The Barn to Overdown Road shops and services (pharmacy, Co-op, hairdressers and cafes and restaurants etc) takes about half an hour or 10 minute cycle and gives the opportunity to explore the alley ways and Pikeshaw that may not be familiar to you. There are few roads making it quite safe.

Purley Village to Pangbourne is about just over half an hour walk/10 min cycle along the path by the railway so avoiding the busy road but gives delightful views, wonderful nature and if you are really lucky you may catch a glimpse of a kingfisher.

NHS states that walking is sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, but walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.

We understand that time pressures, other responsibilities, physical capabilities (not forgetting the rather large hill in Purley!) may mean grabbing the car keys has to be the answer, but perhaps combining journeys, taking fewer trips or car sharing could be considered once in a while?

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